Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do You Like... Beer?

It’s funny. I don’t even know why I am writing in my blog today. Nothing eventful has really happened this entire week. Hmmmm… I went to an abs and core strengthening class on Monday? Yes. Yes, let me talk about this. So since my family is a member at the YMCA, we get to go to free exercise classes. Yep. Free. I rolled out of bed the next morning (I literally rolled out) and I just laid there on the floor. I could not get up. No big deal. My legs didn’t want to move. And my non-existent abs refused to let me up. It’s fine. Good thing our carpet is soft.
Today, my dear brother Tyler asked a girl to prom. I know, I know. I’m proud too. He said that I was being a Nazi about the whole thing. Which may or may not be true. I just wanted to make sure he did it all right. I went down to the Dollar Store with him and bought a cute Easter egg basket and Easter eggs. We bought some candy (jelly beans and cheap chocolate), some fake grass and two cute teddy bears. (Don’t worry. The guy working at the Dollar Store is a guy I used to go to High School with. He is incredibly attractive. I knew going to the Dollar Store was a good idea.) We filled the eggs with the candy and spelled out “will you go to prom with me?” in the left over eggs. It was just so beautiful, I started to tear up. So yes, Tyler now has a date to prom. My little baby is growing up.
Ummmm…. Let’s see… I got hit on by the gas attendant a few days ago. I know… I always get the greatest guys. He came up to my car leaned over in the window and asked if I liked beer. I’m not gonna lie. I have never been asked that before. I told him that I don’t drink. He smiled, nodded his head and told me that it’s smart of me. He leaned closer and said “wait, are you serious? You don’t drink beer??”  I told him I thought beer was just disgusting. He looked at me like I had three eyes. “You mean you don’t even drink a little bit of light wine with your cheese?” I seriously almost broke out laughing. I asked him if he likes beer. Apparently he does. I never would have guessed.  I think he tried to keep flirting, but the gas nozzle clicked. He gave me my receipt, and I sped off. Too bad. He was rather cute. But somehow, I get the feeling that he is not my type.
Ahhh yes. And Gavin. My nanny job is going wonderfully, thank you for asking. But honestly, it’s a little boring. He has been kind of sick the past couple of days, so he has been sleeping a lot. Today I changed two diapers, put him down for three naps, played in his bouncer three times, played with his toys for an hour, fed him two bottles and… gave him bananas for the first time! I mashed up the bananas and mixed it with some breast milk so it was kind of like a soup. I’m not really sure if he liked it, he kept grimacing. I guess I’ll just have to try again tomorrow. Oh goodness… I sound like a proud mother. And it’s only been a week. But this little boy really is special.
Kyle came home today. Thank goodness. I hope he can keep me sane.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Singles Ward? What?

I went to my home ward today. See any problem with this? I do. Let me just start off with saying that I adore my home ward. I really do. But I am just getting so tired of hearing “how was your first year of school?” or “how do you like being home?” or “how are you enjoying this rain?” or “do you have a job yet?” or “wow! You made it through your first year of college without getting engaged!” I mean come on people. Of course my first year of college was wonderful, and of course I am happy here at home but I want to be back and of course this rain is a sick joke and of course I have a job (thank goodness!) and really? I don’t know why my entire ward thought I was going to be engaged before I came home from my first semester. One pleasant ward member approached me with a genuinely surprised face as he said “I thought everyone gets engaged at BYU-I their first semester… I guess not!” Ouch. Don’t even worry though. I’m going to the singles ward next week.
Yes, I said it. The singles ward. You know, I think the singles ward gets a pretty bad rep. Why? I don’t know… but everything that is said about it is entirely true. Once upon a time I went with Ashley over Christmas break. I think the only word I can come up with to describe it is zoo. Enough said. Seriously though, the tension and pressure in the air to find a wife is almost tangible. I may just need to pull out that old fake engagement ring.
Right now, I am talking to my dear friend/roommate Kiah who is currently living in China. She is doing very well, and is enjoying the cheap shopping at the big, beautiful malls they have in Beijing. She starts her work this week at a school where she will be teaching English to preschool kids. Go her. She is going to be making bank. I’m pretty jealous. No big deal.
Good news: I start work tomorrow. At 8:30. In the morning. Woohoo! Gavin! I’m coming! Mommy’s coming!  

Friday, April 15, 2011

I Think I Can... I Think I Can

So you would think that because I’m home from school it would mean that I would have more time to write in my blog. Which is true of course. But here is the thing: I don’t know how I am going to do it. Get through this summer I mean. The drive home was torturous. For a number of reasons. I was almost killed multiple times by our driver who kept falling asleep on the wheel, and also the fact that for every minute I was in the car, the farther away I was getting from my dear Rexburg. It sounds a little melodramatic, I know. What has made it so hard is the fact that all my friends have left. I’m all alone… I never thought being away from school could be this hard. And it has only been a week.
                This week has consisted of: skyping my friends, facebook stalking people, sleeping, baking, catching up on my T.V. shows, and playing solitaire (more times than I would care to admit). The awful part is that I don’t have a car so I can’t drive anywhere. Cabin fever? What?
                Fact. It is a good thing that I am starting my job on Monday. I nanny for this six month old named Gavin. I’m not sure if it is Kosher to say, but I am in love with this little boy. He has to be the most adorable baby known to man. And I get to take care of him. I just can’t get enough of him.