Tuesday, February 28, 2012

And it Came to Pass That We Ate People

And it came to pass that we ate people.
That is why I do not 100% believe that every story in 17 Miracles is a true fact. We have no scriptural proof that these events actually did occur. Our prophet has not claimed that these stories are true. The movie wasn’t even made by the church. The movie makers could have told a story about how the pioneers got so hungry that they ate each other like wolves and we would believe them… oh wait. They did.
So… I am a Child Development major and am now working on getting my Professional Preschool Education Associates degree. As a result of being around young humans most of my life, one of the questions that I get asked most frequently is why. Why? Why? WHY? So now it is my turn to explore the world through whys:
·         Why does it always snow a blizzard on Devotional days when I have to wear a skirt?
·         Why is it green jello? Why can’t it be chocolate pudding?
·         Why can’t I live closer to Disneyland?
·         Why do some people stare at me for a long period of time like I have something on my face?
·         Why can’t I meet Joseph Smith?
·         Why is it that the Titanic soundtrack makes me so sad every time I listen to it?
·         Why are the chairs in the Crossroad RED?
·         Why did they build a second BYU in Rexburg? Why not Sacramento California?
·         Why does my dad feel the need to run 50 miles on his 50th birthday?
·         Why is Nauvoo already full for Spring semester?
·         Why isn’t the internet working?
·         Why do I expect people to do or say things that I would never do or say?
·         Why don’t I have the will power to go on a facebook fast?
·         Why can’t I use chopsticks?
·         Why does my hair take so long to dry?
·         Why do all the new freshman look so young? I didn’t look like that did I?
·         Why don’t I digest my iron supplement very well?
·         Why do I wish it was Christmastime?
·         Why do I care so much about what other people think?
·         Why do I love ice cream so much?
·         Why are Ashley and Kiah already married? We are still babies.
·         Why is two years such a long time to wait?
·         Why have I never broken a bone?
·         Why is curfew at 12:00 pm? Why can’t it be at 8:00 pm so that everyone will go to bed earlier?
·         Why don’t we have a Costco here in Rexburg?
·         Why do my home teachers decide to come at 11:30 at night?
·         Why do I drink so much water up here?
·         Why isn’t google working?
·         Why has my light bulb already burned out?
·         Why don’t I have the guts to chop all of my hair off?
·         Why are the walls of my room so white? And why can’t I paint them?
·         Why won’t Quinci go to the doctor?
·         Why is it so hard to find a ride up to Portland?
·         Why am I addicted to pintrest?
·         Why did Anne just roll her eyes when we told her that our stove top doesn’t work?
·         Why do I listen to the soundtrack from Disneyland? It just makes me want to go back.
·         Why do I love BYU-I so much?
·         Why is it getting dark so early?
·         Why am I in LOVE with Mormon Messages?
·         Why did my nine-year-old brother get front row seats to a Blazer game and I didn’t?
·         Why isn’t it April yet?
·         Why do I own so many movies that I never even watch?
·         Why do I feel like I am about to give birth to a camel?
·         Why don’t we have a deadbolt lock?
·         Why did I get so lucky to have the family that I do?
·         Why do I wake up not feeling rested at all?
·         Why don’t we have an ironing board?
·         Why do people get so mad when I don’t text back?
·         Why aren’t my boots waterproof?
·         Why do I crave chocolate all the time?
·         Why am I so bad at remembering to blog?
·         Why is it that my FHE brother didn’t know my name until last night? Oh yeah. Because he is engaged and doesn’t care.
·         Why am I SO baby hungry? This can’t be normal.
·         Why am I in an Educational Psychology class if I’m not even studying Education?
·         Why does my brother want to join the Marines? Why can’t he want to join an art club or something?
·         Why do I still have a high credit restriction on my account?
·         Why are our carpets green? It is the WORST color.
·         Why do I still have trouble coloring in the lines? It is a good thing I’m not studying Elementary Education anymore.
·         Why does my house still smell like deep-fried something?
·         Why can’t I actually impress the people I want to impress when I can woo the pants off of those people I have no interest in?
·         Why did Heidi and Matt decide to come to FHE 20 minutes after he had proposed?
·         Why do I say yes to do things when I know full well I don’t have the time?
·         Why don’t I know how to change the oil in my car or do anything related to that contraption we call a car for that matter?
·         Why does my ipod speaker not work?
·         Why is there more than one button on a blender?
·         Why are my nails so brittle?
·         Why does it have to snow and be windy at the same time?
·         Why is my favorite color yellow?
·         Why can’t I force myself to not eat desserts?
·         Why can’t I stop talking when I am nervous?
·         Why am I so quick to judge?
·         Why is that I have almost my entire wedding planned but am still missing the guy?
·         Why do I ask men if they get hot in bed?
·         Why don’t I just become a wedding planner?
·         Why did I pick the song I did for my wedding video? Everyone thinks I’m crazy?
·         Why do bad things happen to good people?
·         Why does Pandora always play the same songs over and over at work?
·         Why does the stapler not staple? Isn’t that its job?
·         Why do I cry every time I see someone else crying?
·         Why do Americans consume so much mayonnaise?
·         Why does God allow such attractive men to walk the face of this planet?
·         Why didn’t I take that Disneyworld internship?
·         Why do my hands turn purple every time I go outside?
·         Why can’t I sew on a button well enough for it to stay on?
Why am I asking so many question you may ask? Well... that is what life is about.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Caramelized Bacon

Once upon a time I was really bad at writing in my blog.  I’m not sure what happened to the writing every day thing. I did say that I was going to try. So. Today.
Today was a good day. I woke up. Did homework. Took a nap. Did homework. Made pancakes. Then my sweet FHE brothers made all of us a Valentines dinner that consisted of ravioli and garlic bread and a delicious salad with caramelized bacon. Did you know there was such a thing? I didn’t. But it was good.  Then we went to Comic Frenzy. The talent here at BYU-Idaho never ceases to amaze me. There is no way I could be that witty on the spot. But some people can. Then we went back to their apartment and make oreo balls. Delicious? I think yes. And now we are watching The Princess and the Frog. This movie reminds me of Elder Dowdle. Probably because we would always watch it together.
But now my body is telling me I need to sleep. So now I am going to listen. Because when your body feels like it is over 80 years old, you need to listen to it. Or gets angry.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Hello? Are you there?

This could perhaps be the first time I have written in this blog since September. September 4th to be precise. Hmmmmm…. Could this be a problem? No, not really. Probably because there has been nothing very exciting to share about my life. Although I was thinking about blogs the other day and how great they are. And here is why:
When I am an old lady with 44 wrinkles on my face, I am going to be so excited to read about my day-to-day college experiences. AND when I have a daughter who is going through a rough time, I can say “hey, I think I wrote a blog about that” and I will whip it out and read it to her. And I will basically be the coolest mom ever. SO. Here is the decision. I am going to try to write in my blog every day. Every single day. Did you read the part that said try? Good. Because I think that is kind of a key word.
So since last September, here is what has happened in the Fall 2011 Semester:
1.       I moved to Autumn Winds.
2.       I had great roommates named Allysa, Emily and Kendal.
3.       Ashley Middleton got engaged to Matthew Davis.
4.       Ashley and I went on a talent retreat and sang “Good Morning BYU” for the talent show… totally won… just sayin.
5.       Quinci, Stephanie and I all went with Kiah to shop for bridesmaids dresses all day…
6.       I became the coordinator for talent and ran about three shows.
7.       I went on some with nice men.
8.       I played miniature golf in the Snow Building and almost knocked out my date multiple times with the golf ball.
9.       I was going to go whitewater rafting but I didn’t. Probably because I had a meeting.
10.   I met and became good friends with Hillary.
11.   I went wedding dress shopping with Ashley.
12.   I spent a few days with Quinci’s family in American Fork Utah.
13.   I tried CafĂ© Rio for the first time.
14.   I went to Temple Square to see the Christmas lights for the first time.
15.   I attended Kiah Griffith’s wedding on December 20th 2011 to Ramon Tangiora.
Over Christmas Break:
1.       I spent time with my family.
2.       I went down to Eugene for Christmas day to spend time with my extended family.
3.       I read the entire book “The Help.”
4.       I watched “The Help” for the first time.
5.       I got a new Cannon camera for Christmas. And a massage.
And now THIS semester:
1.       I started my new job at the Language and Letters Academic Discovery Center as a secretary.
2.       I decided that I am staying up here for the Spring semester.
3.       I got the calling to be a Relief Society teacher.
4.       That’s it.
Okay. That is my life in about a page for the past five months. Oh! And here is some exciting news: Elder Jonathan Kiser and Elder Kyle Dowdle have both been serving their missions in Brazil for SIX MONTHS now!! This means that they are already ¼ of the way through their missions. Hip hip hooray!!!!!
Now for today:
It was a B-E-A-utiful  day. The it looked like Spring… almost. Well… it was trying. Church was great. Except I kind of have a hunch that a good portion of our ward didn’t come because it is Super Bowl Sunday. Indeed it is. After a church we attended a Break the Fast with my ward and had deli sandwiches, veggie trays, chips and cookies. And water. Delicious. Especially when you have been fasting all day.
After church I called my family and talked to my little brother Jordan who announced that our pinewood derby car didn’t win for the first time in almost ten years. Someone else must have cheated. Obviously. The Dentons are champions when it comes to the pinewood derby. Everyone knows this.
Then our apartment friend came over. We discussed marriage, rings, married housing, rings, his mission, rings, his mission, his mission, his mission. Yes. I think I may have indeed have finally met someone who is just as excited to get married as I was my first semester. I’m not sure how I feel about this. He got home from his mission in Peru last October. He just broke up with his girlfriend on Thursday. And now he is asking my roommate out on a date. He is back in the game ladies and gentleman.