Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wallace and Grommit

I am officially a new mommy to two new fish. Two new beta fish. Yes. I own two beta fish. And they share a fish tank. Don’t worry though. I put a divider in between them so they won’t kill each other. See? I am going to be a good mom. The blue one is Wallace and the red one is Grommit. They live in a very happy home with rocks on the bottom. They each get their own plant to swim in. So they don’t have to fight. Wallace is doing just wonderful. He eats his food twice a day and is a healthy bouncing boy. Grommit on the other hand… well, I’m a little worried about him. He won’t eat his food. I think he is anorexic. Or just trying to starve himself to death. He could just be a little bit mad at me for naming him Grommit. I think it is a beautiful name, but to each his own right?
This past week has been verrry long. Why you may ask? Probably because I didn’t work this entire week. Gavin and his family went out of town so I was stuck at home mooching around. It’s fine really. I just went on random errands and watched random t.v. shows. I went on lots of bike rides with my family through the beautiful town of Sherwood. Don’t fret though. I go back on Monday. Thank goodness. I miss him so much. His poopy diapers and all.
Confession: I have been listening to Christmas music. I have nothing to say to defend myself. It just happened. I can’t do anything about it. My mom gets mad at me when I play Christmas music on the piano (I think it’s because it is the middle of June, although I can’t be sure) so I just resort to listening to it. I am actually listening to it right now. Carol of the Bells. What a beautiful song. I found out that my middle name, Noel, literally means Christmas in French. I did not know this. It is a part of me. Unavoidable. Inescapable.
Today, my family and I had our family pictures taken. A very nice lady named Annie did them for us. They turned out very nicely. Actually I don’t know, I haven’t seen them yet. But I bet they turned out just lovely.
Tomorrow I am teaching the eight year old primary class. About the Parable of the Talents. My little brother happens to be in this class.  So I am pretty excited.
On Monday, my family is leaving to go camping without me. This grieves me greatly. I can’t go because I have to work. They will be gone for three whole days. I happen to just love camping.  My family has been going every year since I was ten. We always go to the same lake (Lost Lake), camp at the same campsite, eat the same food (pizza, and beef stew, peach cobbler, s’mores, oatmeal, hot chocolate) while my dad tells stories around the campfire. We go on a hiking trip as a family up to a beautiful view of Mount Hood, and we go canoeing around the lake while we fish. Then we search for the hidden waterfall (we still haven’t found it yet… after all this time, I’m starting to think it doesn’t exist) and then take another hike around the lake. And I am going to miss it all. Cheer up Rachel…
And last before I close, I would like to talk about someone very special to me. It was her birthday yesterday but I did not get to write about her in my blog because my internet was down. So here I go: Quinci Whatcott. My husband. As a new freshman in college, she was thee best roommate anyone could ask for.  I will never forget throwing bubble gum at her our first night. Singing A Whole New World. Practicing our princess walks. Heart shaped waffles with peanut butter. Talking about marriage. Talking about marriage. Oh, and did I say talking about marriage? Criminal Minds. Glee. Eating Top Ramen. Eating picnics in our living room. Taking care of our two children. Watching Jurassic Park. Hulu videos. Sending our children off to sketchy college dances. Baseball games. Playing MASH. Stalking attractive men at devotionals. Facebook stalking. Stealing cookie bars from Kiah. The late night one-way talks. Talking in our sleep to each other. She always put up with my crazy Disneyland-ness. Hanging laundry all over our room. Going out to dinner and watching her stuff herself. Staying up for me when I was on a date and then eagerly waiting to hear all the horrors about it. Stadium singing. The list goes on and on… She became one of my best friends and still is. She always listens to what I have to say… even if it’s two in the morning. She can make me laugh, and she puts up with me and all my craziness. She is smart and kind. She thinks of others before she thinks of herself. She is an incredibly wonderful person. And I am so blessed to have been her first husband and to be her friend. So Quinci? I love you. And happy birthday.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I Dreamed a Dream...

Wow. It has almost been so long since I have blogged that I almost forgot my password. Don’t worry though. I remembered it. So let’s see… what has happened in the past two months? Well… my birthday is less than a month away. Woo hoo. I will be turning 41. Well not really. But sometimes it feels that way.  And guess what I am getting for my birthday? Les Miserables tickets. Yep. It is coming to Portland in August and my parents bought me tickets. I wasn’t supposed to know that it was even coming. But I found out anyway. Probably because I heard it on the radio. I didn’t even know that it was back on tour until then. I raced home and almost bought a ticket before my mom stopped me and told me they already bought me tickets. I ruined everything. As my dad keeps reminding me. Oh well. At least I have something to look forward to now.
Also. I am going to Rexburg sometime in the next month. When is kind of undecided. I was supposed to go July 14th to July 17th but I might have to go sooner. Like July 7th to July 10th. I better figure this out soon. I am getting a headache from this.
My job is going just peachy, thank you so much for asking. Gavin is growing so quickly. He is already sitting up by himself and is very close to crawling. He has two bottom teeth and a top tooth is growing in. He loves baby food. His favorites are carrots, peas, apples, bananas, sweet potato, squash, mango, green beans, oatmeal, and baby yogurt. But he doesn’t like spinach very much. Ewww. I don’t blame him. I love this baby human. I think I may bring him to Rexburg when school starts again. People will understand. Or maybe they will think I had a baby out of wedlock. Either way. It’s fine.
Tomorrow there will be a new family member added to my family. Two actually. Their names are going to be Eunice and Grommit. Yes. This is a true fact. Do you ever just wake up and think I want to be a mommy today? Well I do.  I am going to be a mommy to two new fish. I just hope they last longer than when Quinci and I tried to be mommies to new fish. They didn’t even hatch.
I also just want to add that I am the new Settlers of Catan champion. True story. I won twice in a row. Take THAT Tyler and Jonathan…