Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hey Dude

Today was my last Sunday before I head back to school. Kind of bitter-sweet. But mostly sweet. I really am looking forward to being in a STUDENT ward again. Not a SINGLES ward. Both are very, very different. I don’t feel like I am being hunted in a student ward by all the creepy older men. Which will be a relief.
My room is whirlwind of mess. For some reason I am leaving with so much more than I brought home. Oh yeah. Maybe it was because I went shopping yesterday. Lots of cool new toys? Check.
Today my family wrote to our two missionaries. My youngest brother Jordan wrote a little something that went like this:
Hey dude. I hope you are having a good mission. I hope you are hyper. I wish you were going to serve here in Oregon so I could beat you up. Tell your mission president to switch your mission to Oregon. Okay? Is the food good there? If they serve you cake, soda and ice cream, please bring me back some. I am eating ice cream right now.
                Love, Jordan
Ohhhh… you gotta love eight year old brothers. I sure love mine.