Thursday, April 12, 2012

Just One Post Closer...

This week has been a wonderful week. Why you may ask? Probably because I am in Oregon with the greatest family ever. Here are my adventures:

Friday: I woke up to a snowy day in Rexburg. (I know right??) Because of this unexpected weather change, I had to switch my shuttle to the 11:30 one instead of 2:00. I arrived at the Salt Lake airport at 3:30 and waited around until my flight left at 7:30. You want to know what I did? The thing I am great at: people watching. I watched someone gallop down the entire airport because he was going to miss his flight. I watched as a little two year old girl burst into tears and yelled “daddy!” when she got off the plane and saw her dad for the first time. I watched an old lady sloppily eat her sandwich.  I watched an attractive man work on his computer… until I realized he was married. But the best part of the day was when I arrived home in rainy Portland and my family was there to pick me up. It feels great to be hugged by six people at the same time. It also feels great to sleep in your real bed.

Saturday: I went with my mom to Winco (let me enlighten those of you who may be from Utah and do not know what Winco is. Winco is a store that sells food. This food is bought in bulk. This store comes in handy when you have a family of seven people and two teenage boys. It stands for Washington, Idaho, Nevada, California and Oregon. For more information, please go to I then went and got my hair chopped off. Yes. Chopped. Probably about three to four inches of hair are now missing from my head. My head feels much lighter. I went to my friend Tayler’s wedding reception and ate some pretty good food. But no cake. Then my family came back and we had a family movie night watching A Beautiful Mind. If you have not seen this movie, you must see it. It is probably my favorite movie. I LOVVE it. It made my mother cry. It made me cry. It did not make my father cry. But men aren’t supposed to cry right?
Sunday: What a beautiful Easter day! The sun was shining. I got to play with a baby for an entire hour while her mom and dad sang in the choir during sacrament. I listened to my mom give a wonderful lesson about the atonement during church. We ate yummy food (including ham, yams, a green salad, a fruit salad, rolls, a jello cake and ice cream.) It was quite delicious. My cousin Polly and her husband Abe came over and we had lots of fun. Then Tyler and I went on a walk around Sherwood and talked about our hopes and dreams.
Monday: My mom woke me up early exclaiming that she wanted to watch A Beautiful Mind again as soon as we got the kids off to school. So we did. It made me cry. It made my mom cry. It is probably because we are girls. Then I went down to Archer Glen Elementary school and met with the school Child Development specialist. I was able to job shadow her and visit with her. It was very informative. Then I called HP about my computer. It was still in Idaho Falls. They had not shipped it yet. I (very kindly I might add) told them they better fix the situation or I was setting my dad loose on them.

Tuesday: After we got the kids off to school, my mom and I watched Sarah’s Key. Holy Cow. If you want a movie that will put you in a depressing mood all day, be sure to watch this one. Have you ever heard of the Vel’ d’Hiv Roundup? I hadn’t until I watched this movie. Did you know that during WWII and the holocaust, the French rounded up all the Jews and sent them first to a detention camp in squalid conditions and then sent them to Auschwitz? Well it was a true event in history. I’m going to read the book now. The rest of the day we basically spent on the phone with the HP and FedEx men. I’m pretty sure I was giving myself an ulcer. The problem was that the man I was speaking to couldn’t speak American English. I’m not sure what he was speaking but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t English. But then I went to a pinewood derby that the Young Women did for mutual with their dads. My sister’s pinewood car was shaped like a pencil. It was basically the greatest thing ever and was pretty dang fast. The Denton’s never lose.
Wednesday: Yep… my mother and I watched another movie (can you see a pattern occurring here?) We watched the new Jane Eyre. It was wonderful and makes me want to read the book again. And then… (drum roll please…) we got a massage. Ohhhhhhhh. It was much needed. You see, my father had gotten us both a massage gift certificate for Christmas, but neither of us had used it yet. I’m pretty sure I had to peel myself off of that table. Whoever thought of a massage deserves a gold star. Then I went to Jared and Tyler’s track meet. We watched them run around the track a few times. Tyler did the triple jump but I accidently got him disqualified. How? Well, trying to be a supportive sister, I bellowed out “go Tyler go! Don’t stop! Go!” Tyler stopped and looked at me in disbelief. Everyone on his team looked at me. His coach looked at me. Tyler was not a happy camper. But how was I supposed to know that you aren’t supposed to make a sound while they are winding up and running towards their jump? They should make a rule book for the spectators or something.

Thursday: I went to the Portland Oregon Temple with my mother. Oh what a beautiful temple it is too. There is a new visitor’s center right next to it so we went inside and looked around. It was full of people and missionaries. The church always goes above and beyond with these things. Then we went to Deseret Book and I got a new piano songbook. Woohoo!! But then I came home and saw a note from FedEx saying that my package was here in Lake Oswego. I zoomed down to the FedEx office and almost cried when they handed me my computer. It doesn’t make a buzzing sound anymore and they replaced the entire screen. It is like it is brand new! But the best part of the day was going to Jordan’s 3rd grade music concert. Don’t even worry. I sang along with all of the songs… because I learned them when I was in 3rd grade. The music teacher Mr. Greiner looks exactly the same. I’m sure that he is one of those humans that just never ages.

So now after this lengthy blog post, Quinci can’t complain. I’m closer to getting CafĂ© Rio baby.

1 comment:

  1. LOOOVE it. I guess I'll have to start saving my money to take you out ;) Keep it going!
